We are glad to offer this further benefit to all Miche carbon fibre wheels owners. You can get an additional 2 years of warranty, in addition to the 2 years foreseen by law, today and at no cost. To do so, simply fill in the short form below.

Before proceeding, we ask you to carefully read the conditions that must necessarily be fulfilled in order to be eligible for the 2-year warranty extension:

  • Being the first owner of the wheels. The extended warranty does not apply to used or second-hand products
  • Being in possession of a regular purchase proof of the wheels or of the bike where wheels are assembled
  • Registration of the product on miche.it website must take place within 30 days from the purchase date in a store, both ""brick-and-walls"" or online
  • Registration for warranty extension is only valid for the Miche carbon fibre wheels range

Please note: If you are the owner of a wheels set (pair of wheels), then please remember to process the registration for both wheels